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Photo of kids in costume on dance floor
克裡夫蘭的Inis Acla舞蹈學校

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Feis即愛爾蘭舞蹈比賽愛爾蘭舞蹈分為好幾種不同的類型,除了踏步舞之外,還有ceili舞 - 這兩種舞蹈都屬單人表演的舞蹈,舞者的腳步動作快速、踢腿角度高,而上身都必須維持直立,不可晃動踏步舞強調緊閉的形狀及姿勢,舞者雙腿緊密貼合,沒有高角度的踢腿,很少或根本沒有任何的轉身或移位動作,而Ceili舞則著重足部表演、腿部及足部的伸展動作,再加上踏步舞中可見的長型隊伍及快速動作。

Have you ever heard of Irish step-dancing? If you have, it's probably thanks to the high-spirited Irish dance show "Riverdance." This form of Irish dance was relatively unknown outside of Ireland until the 1990s, when this show made it popular around the world.

Each summer, the traditions of Ireland are celebrated in Cleveland at the annual Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival. This celebration of the region's Irish heritage features the best in Irish entertainment from Ireland, Canada, and the United States on nine stages. The girls in this photo are doing a traditional Irish folk dance in authentic costume. Other highlights include Irish plays, pipe bands, and an Irish feis.

A feis is an Irish dance competition. There are different types of Irish dance. In addition to step dancing, there is ceili dancing - both kinds are solo dances with fast footwork and high kicks, all done while the upper body is kept rigidly straight. Step dancing emphasizes a close form and posture with legs kept together, no high kicks, little or no turning and no traveling. Ceili dancing emphasizes dancing on the toes, extension of leg and foot, long reach and the quick movements seen in the step dances.

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