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Explore the States 新墨西哥
Photo of man and woman in period dress in a horse drawn carriage in a parade
流行的電視西部片「Gunsmoke」中,負責飾演博士及凱蒂小姐的史東 (Milburn Stone) 及佈雷克 (Amanda Blake) 在「實話或挑戰」節的遊行,1953


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羅夫愛德華茲 (Ralph Edwards) 節;新墨西哥的溫泉城如何更名為「實話或挑戰」 (Truth or Consequences)


羅夫愛德華茲(Ralph Edwards)曾主持一個名為「實話或挑戰」的電台秀。1950年時,正逢這個電台秀的十週年慶,而愛德華茲想要找個方法來紀念此一事件。所以他表示他願意在任何一座城鎮播放這個電台秀,只要這個城鎮願意將它的名字改為「實話或挑戰」。某些住在新墨西哥西南方的溫泉城的居民認為這是一個好主意,所以他們舉行了一場特殊的投票選舉,而開票結果是居民們同意更改城鎮名。


Can you guess how a town that used to be called Hot Springs got the unusual name of Truth or Consequences?

Ralph Edwards was the host of a radio show called "Truth or Consequences." It was the show's 10th anniversary in 1950, and he wanted to find a way to honor this event. So, Edwards offered to broadcast the show from any city that would change its name to Truth or Consequences. Some people in Hot Springs, in southwestern New Mexico, thought it was a good idea, so they held a special election and residents voted in favor of the name change.

On April 1, 1950, Ralph Edwards hosted his radio show, "Truth or Consequences" from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. The town also held a big celebration. Every year since then, Edwards returned to Truth or Consequences to host the annual celebration, or fiesta, which is now named after him.

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