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Taos Pueblo, New Mexico

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這是由一大群建築物所組成的印地安社區,而這些建築物可容納許多家庭。陶斯普魏布勒是新墨西哥境內的普魏布勒印地安社區,應有約600年的歷史,而且仍是可供人居住的社區。建築物的牆是用曬乾的泥磚 (adobe) 建成,某些地方的泥磚約有兩英尺厚。而屋頂則是由西洋杉原木、草蓆、樹枝、草及曬乾的泥磚組成。原本住在此處的居民是由矮小的門或由與屋頂入口相連的梯子進入建築物內,這樣的入口迫使入侵者必須彎腰或攀爬入內,但因為入侵的威脅已漸漸降低,所以這樣的入口已逐漸失去它的必要性,因而現今的普魏布勒都設有許多較大的門及窗戶。時至今日,遊客可以前來參觀這些住所及觀看儀式以瞭解傳統的普魏布勒印地安人的生活。

Do you know what a pueblo (pronounced pway-blow) is?

It is an Indian community made up of a large cluster of buildings meant to house many families. Taos Pueblo is a Pueblo Indian community in New Mexico that is thought to be around 600 years old and is still used as a residence. The buildings' walls are made of adobe, or sun-dried mud brick, that is two-feet thick in some places. The roofs consist of cedar logs, mats, branches, grass, and adobe. The pueblo's residents originally entered the building through small, low doors or climbed down ladders through rooftop entrances. These entryways would have forced invaders to stoop or climb in order to enter the building. The entrances became less necessary as threat of invasion decreased, and today the pueblo has many more large doors and windows. Today visitors may come to see the dwellings and watch ceremonies in order to learn about traditional Pueblo Indian life.

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