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Photo of colorful hot-air balloons in the sky

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柯達阿布奎達(Kodak Albuquerque)的國際氣球節



氣球能在天空飛是因為熱空氣會向上升。想要讓熱氣球升空,駕駛員首先要確定籃子有牢牢的綁在地上,這樣氣球才不會忽然升空。然後再將氣球 (或稱氣囊) 織布平鋪在地面上,並利用風扇將空氣吹入氣球內以便撐開織布。當氣球充好氣後,駕駛員會使用丙烷(氣體的一種)燃燒器將熱氣灌入氣囊,當熱空氣漸漸增加,氣球會慢慢的上升,到最後會完全豎立起來。當駕駛員發出信號,別人會解開綁住籃子的繩子,則氣球就升空了。駕駛員會透過丙烷燃燒器來控制氣球飛的高度,想要飛高時,他或她就會打開燃燒器加熱氣囊內的空氣,若想要降低高度時,駕駛員只要讓空氣冷卻下來即可。

Aren't those colorful balloons in the photo a beautiful sight?

Every October, several hundred hot-air balloons fly through the air in the Kodak Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. More than a million people come to watch the event.

A balloon can fly in the air because hot air rises. To launch a hot-air balloon, the pilot first makes sure the basket is tied securely to the ground, so it doesn't suddenly fly off. Then the fabric of the balloon, or the envelope, is spread on the ground. A fan blows air into the envelope to help open it. As it opens, the pilot uses a propane (a kind of gas) burner to blow hot air into the envelope. The balloon then rises as it is inflated with the hot air until it is upright. When the pilot gives a signal, the basket is untied, and there is lift-off. The pilot uses the propane burner to control how high or low the balloon flies. To go up, he or she turns up the burner to make the air in the envelope hotter. To go down, the pilot just lets the air cool down.

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