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Photo of three people on the Marlboro Tree
1997年發現馬博羅神木(Marlboro Tree)的凱文斯基博士(Dr. Paul Kovalski)與樹木修剪員的合照攝於修剪作業完成後1999430

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馬博羅神木(Marlboro Tree)

?新澤西州的馬博羅境內有一株出生於內戰(Civil War)前的黑柳樹,現已150餘歲了;馬博羅神木不只擁有老樹齡,還擁有巨大的樹身,它足足有76英尺高且周長超過19英尺(測量樹身所得),約需五個成年人才能將樹身圍住;馬博羅神木是馬博羅及新澤西境內最大的黑柳樹,事實上,因其巨大尺寸,新澤西林務署已經公認它是州冠軍。



How old do trees live to be? There is a black willow tree in Marlboro, New Jersey, that is more than 150 years old. It started growing before the Civil War. Not only is the Marlboro Tree old, but it's also huge. It's 76 feet tall and over 19 feet in circumference (the measurement around the trunk of the tree). Five adults would have to hold hands to fully encircle the trunk. The Marlboro Tree is the largest black willow in New Jersey and the largest tree in Marlboro. In fact, the New Jersey Forest Service has certified it as a "State Champion" because of its size.

Black willow trees usually grow along lakes and streams, where they help prevent erosion (the wearing away of soil by water). Black willows have blackish-colored bark and are known to have several trunks on one tree. The wood of the tree is light and flexible, so it is often used to make artificial limbs, wicker baskets and furniture.

The Marlboro Tree is also special because it grows in an area where many dinosaur fossils have been found. Because of its unique history, the town has made a special effort to preserve the Marlboro Tree for future generations to enjoy.

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