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Photo of men in British uniforms marching with flags
重現蒙茅斯郡戰役(Battle of Monmouth)一劇中的英國軍隊 1978

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(Mary Hays McCauly),但人們稱呼她為莫利水壺(Molly Pitcher),您知道她是誰?或者您知道莫利水壺的由來嗎?

瑪麗海斯(Mary Hays)是威廉海斯(William Hays)的妻子,他是獨立戰爭時,曾參與蒙茅斯郡一役的炮兵。

戰爭源於來自費城的柯林頓將軍(General Henry Clinton)想要帶領英軍行軍穿越新澤西;在氣候灼熱的1778628日清晨,華盛頓將軍命令李將軍(General Charles Lee)攻擊蒙茅斯郡附近的英軍,而英軍及美軍則在炙熱的氣溫下打了一整天的仗。

瑪麗海斯在槍林彈雨中,背負著一隻水壺為精疲力竭和受傷的美國士兵供應飲水,而當她的丈夫海斯因不堪灼熱而不支倒地時,莫利立即接替丈夫的炮手位置;這是美國歷史上,第二度有女性參戰的戰役(第一次為1776年時,參與福特華盛頓(Fort Washington)防禦戰的科爾賓(Margaret Corbin))

為表彰她的英勇貢獻,華盛頓將軍任命她為未受軍官銜的軍官,從此以為,她就被稱做中士莫利(Sergeant Molly);位於戰爭遺址上的紀念碑則提用來紀念她的英勇貢獻。

Her name was Mary Hays McCauly, but she was better known as Molly Pitcher. Do you know who she was? Or how she got her name?

Mary Hays was the wife of William Hays, an artilleryman who fought in the Battle of Monmouth during the Revolutionary War.

The battle began as General Henry Clinton led his British forces from Philadelphia and started marching through New Jersey. On the morning of June 28, 1778, a scorching hot day, General George Washington ordered General Charles Lee to attack the British near Monmouth, New Jersey. The British and American armies fought all day in the intense heat.

Dodging the bullets was Mary Hays, who brought pitcher after pitcher of water to the thirsty troops. She also assisted the injured troops. When her husband fell in battle, she took his place at the cannon. This was the second time on an American battlefield that a woman had worked a cannon. (The first was Margaret Corbin during the defense of Fort Washington in 1776.)

For her heroic role, General Washington made her a noncommissioned officer. After that she was widely known as "Sergeant Molly." A sculpture on the battle monument commemorates her courageous efforts.

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