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Photo of volunteers picking up and recording beach trash

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為清理新澤西境內受污染的海灘,一個旨在清理海灘的清理海洋行動正式展開;它是世上實施最久的掃除行動,始於1985年的桑迪胡克(Sandy Hook),當時共有75人參加;時至今日,參加這項活動的義工來自於各個年齡層,他們負責撿垃圾並寫下他們撿到的物品,而這份垃圾清單則被用來告知並教育大眾污染問題的嚴重性。


Have you ever been part of a volunteer clean-up crew, picking up litter or trash? If so, you know just how much garbage can collect on streets or in parks. In New Jersey there was another place that had a lot of litter -- the beaches.

By the 1980s, thanks to ocean dumpsites and runoff water, pollution was ruining New Jersey's beaches. Runoff water, which is often polluted, flows into streams and ends up in the ocean.

To help clean up New Jersey's polluted beaches, a group called Clean Ocean Action holds Beach Sweeps. One of the longest running cleanups in the world, the Beach Sweeps first started in 1985 at Sandy Hook with 75 volunteers. Today, volunteers of all ages "sweep" the beaches by picking up garbage and other debris and writing down what they collect. The list of litter provides information that is used to educate the public about the pollution problem.

Volunteers usually pick up plastic, glass, metal, wood, and styrofoam. They have also collected some unusual items from the beaches, such as a shopping cart, a microwave oven, a toilet, mattresses, Christmas decorations, and a wig! Keeping a list of items helps people realize that garbage can come back to us if we don't dispose of it properly.

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