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'Atlantic City; Panorama of Beach and Boardwalk From Pier'

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早在1870年,沿著海灘修築的第一期木板大道工程完工前,擁有宜人氣候及美麗海灘的大西洋城早就是紐約客心目中的理想渡假勝地。避免人們將海灘上的沙子帶入飯店或火車廂內,火車隨車服務員亞歷山大鮑德曼(Alexander Boardman)提出修築木板路的主意。大西洋城將它的稅收用來建造寬約8英尺的暫用木板路,其可於冬天時拆卸。後來,大西洋城不只擴建了這個步道,而且也將它改為永久性設施。木板大道上唯一許可的運載工具是1884年引進的旋轉椅。來訪賓客可坐在椅上並自木板大道上旋轉而下。

Have you ever played Monopoly? Did you know that the game's most expensive property, Boardwalk, comes from an actual place in New Jersey, called Atlantic City?

The pleasant climate and beaches of Atlantic City had already made it a popular resort destination for New Yorkers by the time the first section of its famous boardwalk was constructed along the beach in 1870. Alexander Boardman, a railroad conductor, thought of the idea of constructing a boardwalk to keep sand out of the railroad cars and hotels. The city used its tax revenues to build an 8-foot-wide temporary wooden walkway, which could be taken down during the winter. The walkway was later extended and made permanent. The rolling chair, introduced in 1884, was the only vehicle allowed on the boardwalk. Guests could be rolled down the boardwalk while sitting down.

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