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每年七月,連續五天,聖語人 (Ho-Chunk意即說聖語的人) 會在溫內巴戈召開祈禱儀式。祈禱儀式是印地安人的社交聚會,它通常包含了舞蹈及音樂。聖語(Ho-Chunk Nation)是一群由印地安人組成的部落,又名溫尼貝戈族,他們原本住在威斯康辛一區。以農耕及捕食北美野牛維生。自19世紀早期開始,美國政府不停的逼迫聖語人放棄他們部分的土地,所以他們在1840年時,遷移到愛荷華州。但接下來的25年間,美國政府逼著他們不斷的遷徙,從愛荷華州到明尼蘇達州,再從明尼蘇達州到南達科塔。最後,他們終於被允許落腳、定居於內布拉斯加,儘管如此,仍有許多人最終還是回到了威斯康辛州。


溫內巴戈舉辦的聖語年度祈禱儀式是為了表彰他們最後一位名為「小祭司」(Little Priest)的戰士領袖。在聖語族搬到內布拉斯加後,包括小祭司在內的一小群印地安人應徵入伍並在當地的一支部隊內服役。1866年時,小祭司死於服役時的舊傷。直到今天,祈禱儀式仍會緬懷他的犧牲貢獻並表彰所有的溫尼貝戈族印第安人退役軍人。

Have you ever been to a powwow? If you went to Winnebago, Nebraska, in July, you'd have a chance.

For five days every July, the Ho-Chunk people hold a powwow in Winnebago. A powwow is an Indian social gathering that usually includes dance and music. The Ho-Chunk Nation is a group of Indians, also known as the Winnebago, who originally lived in the Wisconsin area. They farmed and hunted bison. Beginning in the early 19th century, the United States government forced the Ho-Chunk to give up portions of their land, and they were moved to Iowa in 1840. For the next 25 years, the U.S. government made the Ho-Chunk move again and again, from Iowa to Minnesota to South Dakota. Finally, they were allowed to settle in Nebraska, though many eventually returned to Wisconsin.

The Ho-Chunk's annual powwow in Winnebago is held to honor their last war chief, Little Priest. After the Ho-Chunk moved to Nebraska, a group of them, including Little Priest, enlisted in the Army and served in a local unit. In 1866, Little Priest died from wounds he received while in the Army. Today, the powwow remembers his sacrifice and honors all Winnebago war veterans.

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