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Explore the States 北卡羅來納 
Photo of the cast of The Lost Colony
「失卻的殖民地」(The Lost Colony)戲中演員北卡羅來納的曼蒂奧縣(Manteo)

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1587年,英國在洛亞諾克島上建立了第二個殖民地,這也是第一名出生於北美的英國嬰兒:維吉尼亞戴爾(Virginia Dare)的出生處;殖民地領袖約翰懷特(John White)回到英國求取進一步援助,當他於1590年回到洛亞諾克島時,殖民地已無人居住,而所有的殖民都神秘的消失了,只留下了樹上的刻字「Croatoan」;直至今天,仍沒有人知道他們發生了什麼事,也許殖民們隨著友善的Croatoan原住民他陟,或遭到具敵意的Wanchese部落屠殺?沒人知道確切原因。

1937年以來,「失卻的殖民地」(The Lost Colony)一戲每年都會重新演出這個神祕事件,它會在福特洛利(Fort Raleigh)的路邊戲院(Wayside Theatre)的戶外舞台演出。

Do you know the story of the lost colony of Roanoke Island?

The legend of Roanoke Island has been passed down from generation to generation since 1590 when a group of 120 English settlers mysteriously vanished.

In the late 1500s, the English made their first attempts to settle in North America on Roanoke Island, which is off the coast of North Carolina. These first settlers ended up returning to England because of a shortage of food and Indian attacks.

In 1587, a second colony was founded on Roanoke. It was then that Virginia Dare, the first baby born to English parents in North America, was born. John White, the leader of the colony, went to England to get more supplies. When he returned in 1590, the settlement was deserted. All the settlers had mysteriously disappeared. The only clue he found was the word "Croatoan" carved in a tree. To this day no one knows what happened to them. It's possible that the Colonists joined with the friendly Croatoan natives. Or were they massacred by the unfriendly Wanchese tribe? No one knows for sure.

Since 1937, this mystery has been relived every year in a play called The Lost Colony. It is performed outdoors at Wayside Theatre at Fort Raleigh in North Carolina.

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