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Photo of Dr. E.B. Palmer presenting roses to playwright Ann Hunt Smith
在「愛米斯塔特號傳說」(The Amistad Saga)演員的注視下,帕爾默(E.B. Palmer)博士獻花給劇作家史密斯(Ann Hunt Smith)

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這部電影是根據真實事件改編;1839年,一部名叫愛米斯塔特號(La Amistad)的船自古巴的哈瓦那出航,船上載有自西非擄來的53名非洲人;這艘船原本應該將他們載到農園,讓他們成為農園內的奴隸,但船至半途,非洲人群起叛變並接管了這艘船,而他們的領袖名叫辛克(Cinque);非洲人要求船員將船駛向非洲,但船員卻在半夜將船轉向,最後,船停靠在紐約,而非洲人則全被關了起來;一位名叫包德溫(Roger Sherman Baldwin)的美國律師靠著前總統亞當斯(John Quincy Adams)的幫忙,在美國最高法庭(U.S. Supreme Court)前為非洲人辯護成功,法院判決應當庭釋放所有的非洲人。

勇者無懼這個故事是由一位專門研究非裔美人歷史的教育家帕爾默(E.B. Palmer)1993年尋得;他及他的妻子朱安妮塔(Juanita)在洛利創立了一座記載非裔美人歷史的博物館及教育中心:非裔美人文化情結(African American Cultural Complex);他們認為愛米斯塔特號這個故事對非裔美人及北卡羅來納州歷史極具重要性,所以他們決定要請一位劇作家將這件事改編成劇本,結果在1999年時,劇本名為:「愛米斯塔特號傳說:反映非裔美人的文化情結」(The Amistad Saga: Reflections was performed at the African American Cultural Complex)

Did you see the movie "Amistad"?

The movie was based on a real life event. In 1839, a ship called La Amistad set sail from Havana, Cuba. It carried 53 Africans who had been kidnapped in West Africa. The ship was supposed to take them to plantations where they would work as slaves. But during the trip, the Africans rebelled and took over the ship. Their leader was a man named Cinque. The Africans told the ship crew to sail them back to Africa, but, at night, the sailors turned the opposite way. Finally, the ship ended up in New York, and the Africans were put in jail. An American attorney named Roger Sherman Baldwin, with the help of former President John Quincy Adams, defended the Africans in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. The court ruled that the Africans should be freed.

The story of Amistad was found in 1993 by Dr. E.B. Palmer, an educator who was doing research on African American history. He and his wife, Juanita, were founders of a museum and educational center for African American history -- the African American Cultural Complex in Raleigh, North Carolina. They thought the story of Amistad was an important part of African American and North Carolina history. So they decided to have a playwright write a play based on it. As a result, in 1999, the play The Amistad Saga: Reflections was performed at the African American Cultural Complex.

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