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Explore the States 蒙大拿
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原住民統治 (Native Reign) 音樂錄影帶內一景,晨星人 (Morning Star People) ,19968

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你知道蒙大拿著名的小大角戰役 (battle at Little Big Horn) 嗎?

因為在小大角區內發現了黃金的蹤跡,所以美國政府想要興建一條道路,穿越蒙大拿境內的原住民土地。雖然美國政府已經保證此一土地屬於原住民,但仍於1876年時,派遣克斯特將 (George Custer) 和他的手下前去要求原住民放棄其土地。北方的夏安族人 (Northern Cheyenne) 及其他的美國原住民擊敗了克斯特及其手下;它是一次壓倒性的勝利。但五個月過後,美國再一次出擊;這次,夏安族人被迫投降並被派送到位於俄克拉荷馬州中的一個保留區。抵達俄克拉荷馬州後的二個月內,三分之二的族人生病,而且多人死亡。族長鈍刀 (Dull Knife) 和其他的北方夏安族人領袖懇求美國政府能在蒙大拿州中劃一保留區,以便他們的族人回歸當地,但是美國政府拒絕了他們的要求。

族長鈍刀決定回到蒙大拿。1878年時,他和小狼 (Little Wolf) (北方夏安族人的另一位領袖) 引領著剩下的族人,跋涉穿越過400哩,設法擊敗或躲避各式各樣派來將他們帶回俄克拉荷馬州的軍隊小組。他們拆成二組人馬,一個由鈍刀帶領,另一個由小狼帶領,但最後兩個小組都被逮捕。那些由小狼領隊的族人終經同意,可留在蒙大納境內,但是鈍刀和他所帶領的人馬卻遭監禁。當他們拒絕回去俄克拉荷馬州後,美國軍隊曾試著以挨餓政策逼迫他們屈服。他們冒著危險,大膽進行逃亡,許多人在這次的逃亡計劃中被殺及再次被捉回;但鈍刀和其他人逃亡成功,並安全到達南達科塔的松樹脊保留區 (Pine Ridge Reservation) 。最後,蒙大拿終於為北方夏安族人興建了一個保留區,鈍刀和他的族人終於可以與小狼所帶領的族人團聚並定居在該保留區內。但可悲的是,到了那時候,鈍刀底下的大多數族人已經死亡。

北方夏安族人藉由他們的巡迴演出:"原住民時期" (Native Reign) 敘說著這個悲劇和其他的故事。這個巡迴表演結合了傳統的美洲原住民舞蹈和當代音樂,用以慶祝歷史和部落的傳統。

Do you know the story of the famous battle at Little Big Horn, Montana?

The United States wanted to build a road through Native American lands in Montana because gold had been discovered in the area of Little Big Horn. In 1876, General George Custer and his men were sent to make the Native Americans give up the land, even though the U.S. had guaranteed that it belonged to them. There was a battle and the Northern Cheyenne and other Native Americans defeated Custer. It was a crushing blow, and five months later, the U.S. attacked again. This time, the Cheyenne surrendered, and they were sent to a reservation in Oklahoma. Within two months of their arrival, two-thirds of the tribe became sick and many died. Chief Dull Knife and other Northern Cheyenne leaders pleaded for a reservation for their people back in Montana, but the U.S. refused them.

Chief Dull Knife was determined to return to Montana. In 1878, he and Little Wolf (another chief of the Northern Cheyenne) led what was left of their people and traveled more than 400 miles, managing to defeat or avoid the various Army units sent to bring them back to Oklahoma. They broke up into two groups -- one led by Dull Knife and the other by Little Wolf -- but both were eventually caught. Those led by Little Wolf were allowed to remain in Montana, but Dull Knife and his group were imprisoned. When they refused to return to Oklahoma, an attempt was made to starve them into obeying. They made a daring escape, in which many were killed and recaptured, but Dull Knife and others got away and made it to the safety of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Eventually a reservation was established for the Northern Cheyenne in Montana, where Dull Knife and his people were finally allowed to settle, rejoining Little Wolf's group. But sadly, by then, most of Dull Knife's people had died.

The Northern Cheyenne tell this story and other stories through their performing troupe Native Reign. The troupe combines traditional Native American dances with contemporary music to celebrate the history and traditions of the tribe.

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