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Photo of 'Pellet Gun' Krause spitting a pit
吐櫻桃核競賽的十屆冠軍:「子彈槍」(Pellet Gun)的瑞剋剋勞茲(Rick Krause),19977

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吐櫻桃核始於1974年,當時密西根州的一位櫻桃園農夫:泰奇曼(Herb Teichman)正在思索可以使用櫻桃核來做什麼事。從鄰里相聚到國際型競賽,吐櫻桃核已經登入金氏記錄大典(Guinness Book of World Records)並被認可為一正式競賽。

「子彈槍」(Pellet Gun)瑞剋剋勞茲(Rick Krause)已經在全球吐櫻桃核錦標賽中獲取10次勝利。每年七月,數以百計的人自全國各地及全世界各地聚集參予此一錦標賽。競賽始於密西根西南方的酸櫻桃開始收成時。直到1993年時,來自亞利桑那州的瑞克「子彈槍」克勞茲創下72 英尺又7英吋的世界記錄信不信由你,他的記錄只比現在的世界記錄短20英尺。根據金氏記錄大典,現在的世界記錄是95英尺又9英吋您認為您自己能將櫻桃核吐多遠?

There's a world record for just about any contest you can think of -- even cherry-pit spitting!

The Cherry Pit Spit began in 1974, when Herb Teichman, a Michigan cherry farmer, was looking for "something to do" with cherry pits. Growing from a neighborhood get-together to an international competition, the Cherry Pit Spit is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as an official competition.

"Pellet Gun" Krause is the 10-time winner of the International Cherry Pit Spitting Championship. Each July hundreds of people from across the country and around the world gather for the Championship. The contest marks the beginning of the harvest of tart cherries in southwest Michigan. Until 1993, Rick "Pellet Gun" Krause of Arizona held the world record with a spit of 72 feet, 7 inches. Believe it or not, that's more than 20 feet less than the current world record. According to the Guinness Book, the world record is now 95 feet, 9 inches. How far you do you think you could spit a pit?

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