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Hitsville USA在那裡?就是在Motown,它是汽車城的縮寫(Motor Town),也是汽車城市及美國汽車工業之家底特律的綽號。

另外,摩城也正好是世上最著名的錄音公司之一的名字。1960年代的摩城藝人,如:至上女聲三重唱(The Supremes)、誘惑合唱團(the Temptations)、馬文蓋(Marvin Gaye)、史摩基羅賓遜(Smokey Robinson)及奇蹟(the Miracles)主導流行樂的排名榜。

遊客只要來到密西根州底特律的摩城歷史博物館,即可體驗摩城早期的興奮事件。在Hitsville USA摩城唱片公司(Motown Record Corporation) 的原址,用來追蹤該公司成長點滴,記錄該公司是如何從最初的小公司演變成為現今世上第一大的獨立唱片製造商的重建點。

貝瑞戈迪(Barry Gordy)是摩城之父。1959年時,戈迪在底特律買下了一棟兩層樓高的建築物並將它稱為Hitsville USA。住在二樓的他負責經營樓下的公司業務,這公司就是後來著名的摩城唱片公司。唱片錄製工作則是在與這棟建築物相連的房子內錄製,而這間房子的前身是一間攝影工作室。著名的摩城之聲都源自於接待大廳,當時那些充滿希望的新聲都在這間大廳內等待入室試唱,如:至上女聲三重唱及誘惑合唱團。

下一次當您聽到「停止!以愛之名」(Stop! In the Name of Love)或「我的女孩」時,想想摩城的音樂對現今音樂的影響有多深刻。

Where is Hitsville USA? It's in Motown, which is short for "Motor Town," which is a nickname for Detroit, the Motor City and home of the U.S. auto industry.

Motown also happens to be the name of one of the best-known recording labels in the world. During the 1960s, Motown artists like the Supremes, the Temptations, Marvin Gaye, and Smokey Robinson and the Miracles dominated the pop charts.

Visitors to the Motown Historical Museum in Detroit, Michigan, experience some of the excitement of Motown's early years. The original location of the Motown Record Corporation in Hitsville USA is a restored site that traces the story of the company's growth from its modest beginnings to the world's largest independent record manufacturer.

Barry Gordy is the father of Motown. In 1959, he purchased a two-family flat in Detroit, and christened it "Hitsville USA." He lived upstairs and operated what became known as the Motown Record Corporation downstairs. Recordings were made in a former photography studio attached to the house. The birthplace of the famous Motown sound began in the reception lobby, where young hopefuls such as the Supremes and the Temptations waited to audition.

The next time you hear a song like "Stop! In the Name of Love" or "My Girl," think about how the Motown sound has influenced today's music.

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