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Photo of dancers during Grand Rapids Festival
在考爾德舞台(Calder Stage)上表演的太平洋小島舞者(Pacific Island Dancer)1999

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1969年,一種稱做stabile (固定雕塑。唸做stay-beal)的靜物抽像雕像被安置在城中的市政廳前,它是由二十世紀的美國藝術家考爾德(Alexander Calder)所創。考爾德的固定雕塑是將呈曲線形狀的平面金屬焊接在一起,而且常被漆為紅色或黑色。他的固定雕塑是一件充滿遊戲感及富於想像的創造品,放置在公園及購物中心內,看來十分的搶眼。自雕像被安置在市政廳以後,大湍城的居民就開始想他們需要舉辦一場藝術節,來歡慶考爾德的作品。更重要的是,他們需要一場藝術節慶來慶祝西密西根的藝術。


How can a piece of art create a monster? Easy, it can inspire an entire city to hold a huge arts festival. It happened in Grand Rapids, Michigan, when a gigantic piece of sculpture was installed on a downtown plaza.

In 1969, a type of stationary abstract sculpture, called a stabile (pronounced stay-beal), was installed downtown in front of City Hall. Twentieth century American artist Alexander Calder created it. Calder's stabiles are constructed of flat curving shapes of metal welded together and usually painted red or black. His stabiles are playful, fanciful creations that look great in parks and plazas. Once the sculpture was in place, the people of Grand Rapids started thinking that they needed an arts festival to celebrate Calder's work. More important, they needed an arts festival to celebrate the arts in West Michigan.

So, in 1970, Festival was born. This three-day arts celebration, held the first full weekend in June in downtown Grand Rapids, attracts thousands of participating artists. Festival has grown from a few booths and food stalls into the nation's largest all-volunteer arts festival, with more than 20,000 volunteers and more than 500,000 people attending. It has grown so large that it is spread out over almost all of downtown - that's a monster of a festival!

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