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豆洞豆(Bean-Hole Bean)

什麼是豆洞豆(bean-hole bean)?不,它不是中間有一顆洞的豆子。因為他們將豆子放在洞裡烘烤,所以才有豆洞豆這個名字。數百年以來,緬因州的皮納布斯高族印地安人,會在地上挖個洞來煮他們的食物;烹調豆洞豆的第一個工具是一把鏟子!


  • 在地上挖一個3英尺深的洞,再把石頭排在洞底。

  • 在洞裡起火,然後讓它燒成一大堆的炭塊及灰燼(這個步驟需花費半天的時間,才能儲備足夠用來煮豆的煤炭)

  • 使用乾燥的豆類,如:白豆、黃眼豆(Yellow Eye) 、鱒魚豆(Jacob's Cattle又名Trout Bean:源自德國的一種甜豆)或紅眼豆(全名European Soldier Bean又名Red Eye Bean)

  • 其他的材料包括洋蔥、醃豬肉、火腿蹄膀、培根、蕃茄、紅糖及糖漿。


What's a bean-hole bean? No, it's not a bean with a hole in it. Bean-hole beans get their name because they are baked in a hole. For hundreds of years, the Penobscot Indians of Maine cooked their food in a hole in the ground. The first thing you need to cook bean-hole beans is a shovel!

Recipe for bean-hole beans:

  • Dig a hole in the ground 3 feet deep and line it with rocks.
  • Build a fire in the hole and let it burn down to large embers and ash. (This can take half a day before enough coals are produced to cook the beans properly.)
  • Use dry beans such as Great Northern, Yellow Eye, Jacob's Cattle, or Soldier.
  • Other ingredients include onions, salt pork, ham hock, bacon, tomatoes, brown sugar and molasses.

Put the beans and other ingredients in a cast iron pot and cover with water and a lid. Place the pot in the hole, cover with a wet dish towel or burlap sack, shovel some of the embers and ashes on top of the pot, and then cover with dirt. Cooking time varies depending on which recipe is used but it can take as long as 16 hours. Then get ready with a shovel and a bowl!

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