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Explore the States 馬裡蘭
Photo of a woman shucking an oyster
三屆全國牡蠣去殼冠軍蘿絲史密斯(Ruth Smith)

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要為牡蠣去殼,您要先打開它的外殼,然後再將殼內的牡蠣挖出。每年十月,馬裡蘭的李奧納多鎮(Leonardtown)會舉辦聖瑪麗牡蠣節,旨在慶祝乞沙比克灣(Chesapeake Bay)的牡蠣產季開始。另外這個節慶也是為了表彰那些與水共存並以此維生的工人生活。

這個一連兩天的慶祝活動總共會吃掉150,000多顆牡蠣。去殼工人會使用一把特製的刀去殼,而牡蠣節的其中一項活動即為全國牡蠣去殼競賽(National Oyster Shucking Championship Contest)。全國各地的人們會前來觀看誰能在最短的時間內,完美的剝下兩打牡蠣。而一些曾於此項競賽中獲勝的得主會前去參加在愛爾蘭戈爾韋(Galway)舉辦的國際牡蠣節(International Oyster Festival)。許多人喜歡吃生牡蠣,但對那些喜食熟食的人而言,他們可以參加全國牡蠣烹飪比賽(National Oyster Cook-Off)

Have you ever heard of oyster-shucking?

To shuck an oyster you open its shell and detach the oyster inside. Every October, the St. Mary's Oyster Festival in Leonardtown, Maryland, celebrates the opening of the oyster season on the Chesapeake Bay. The festival also recognizes the life of the people who work the waters for a living.

More than 150,000 oysters are eaten during the two-day festival. Shuckers use a special knife to do the job, and one of the events at the Festival is the National Oyster Shucking Championship Contest. People come from all over the country to see who can shuck two-dozen oysters the quickest and the best. Some past winners from this event have gone on to compete in the International Oyster Festival in Galway, Ireland. Many people like their oysters raw, but for those who prefer them cooked, there is a National Oyster Cook-Off.

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