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Explore the States 馬裡蘭
Photo of Senator Wayne Morris with his bull at the fair
奧勒崗的參議員莫裡斯(Wayne Morris)帶著他名叫得文斯(Devons)的牛前來參加市集,他的農場座落於馬裡蘭的普爾斯維爾(Poolesville)

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蒙哥馬利郡(Montgomery County)農業中心/市集


1940年代的一項計畫,原是打算讓年輕一代的人有機會接觸農業及家政技藝,但後來卻變成東海岸(East Coast)最大的縣市市集。這個由孩童所發起的蒙哥馬利郡農業市集(Montgomery County Agricultural Fair)始於1949年,它原本只是一個為期一天的家畜秀,由郡內的四健會贊助舉辦。四健會是專為對農業有興趣的年青人所創辦的。這個市集提供了農夫一個彼此展示自己手中的最佳農場動物的機會,並且希望透過此市集來引起年青人對農業、園藝及家政技藝(如食物保存)的興趣。


How much do you know about farm life? If your county or state has a fair, you can learn a lot about it there.

A 1940s project to get young people involved in agriculture and homemaking skills turned into one of the largest county fairs on the East Coast -- and it was started by kids. The first Montgomery County Agricultural Fair began as a one-day livestock show in 1949, sponsored by the county's 4-H Club, an organization for young people interested in farming. The fair was a way for farmers to show their best farm animals to each other and to get youth excited about farming, gardening, and homemaking skills such as preserving foods.

Over the years, the fair has become a way to get a peek into farm life, as fewer people are involved in farming. The Agricultural Center is a cluster of buildings built for the fair that are used all year long to host shows, exhibitions, and meetings. Today, the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair has grown into a weeklong event, involving more than 2,000 volunteers.

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