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Explore the States 肯塔基
Cover photo of Eddie Pennington cassette
「穆倫貝爾格郡音樂」(That Muhlenberg Sound)的卡帶封面,演奏者是使用大拇指彈奏法的艾迪彭寧頓(Eddie Pennington)

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您聽過大拇指彈奏法嗎?它是一種吉他演奏風格,旋律由四指負責彈奏,而大姆指則負責彈奏低音。您聽過如朱厄爾(Jewel)、詹姆士泰勒(James Taylor)或保羅賽門(Paul Simon)等民族音樂家所演奏的音樂嗎?以上這些藝術家在錄製他們的唱片時,都是使用大拇指彈奏法彈奏。

 回溯至1920年代,肯塔基州的穆倫貝爾格郡發展出來的一種大拇指彈奏法,這種指法因吉他藝術家(如崔維斯(Merle Travis)及艾特金茲(Chet Atkins)的推波助瀾而聞名。穆倫貝爾格郡的居民,十分喜愛這種深具特殊風格的吉他彈奏法,所以當地甚至有一座大拇指彈奏者名人堂,而且每年還會舉辦大拇指彈奏競賽!


Have you ever heard of thumb-picking? It is a style of guitar playing in which the fingers pick out a melody and the thumb picks out bass notes. Have you listened to folk musicians such as Jewel, James Taylor or Paul Simon? All of these artists have used thumb-picking on their recordings.

One form of thumb-picking developed in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, back in the 1920s and was made famous by guitarists such as Merle Travis and Chet Atkins. In Muhlenberg, this particular style of guitar playing is so popular that there is even a Thumb Pickers Hall of Fame and an annual Thumb Picking Contest!

Most thumb-pickers use a flexible plastic pick on their thumb to pluck the strings. The effect makes it sound as though two guitars are being played at once -- a rhythm guitar and a lead guitar. This style of playing was first heard in country music in the 1920s, and was passed down from generation to generation. Its popularity grew, and today many players of rock and folk also use this style.

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