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Photo of Lindsborgers in Swedish folk dress

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座落於堪薩斯州北部中央的煙谷區(Smoky Valley),林茲堡社區建於1869年。遷住該區的瑞典移民,全為路德教派的信徒,一個他們無法在原有土地上,自由信奉的信仰,另外,他們也熱愛音樂。早期,他們當中的許多人都是農夫,其他的林茲堡創建人還包括了工匠、教育家及音樂家。瑞典移民對各種文化事物都充滿了狂熱,一直到了現在,這樣的生活態度仍顯見於當地居民的身上,因而,林茲堡境內仍住有許多藝術家及音樂家。這個社區的現有人口約只有3,200人。即使到了現在,它仍是一個充滿瑞典色彩的城市。


Do you know who founded your city or town?

Lindsborg is a city in north central Kansas that was founded by nearly 100 Swedish immigrants. Nicknamed "Little Sweden," this city honors Lindsborg's Swedish settlers and cultural contributions.

Nestled in the Smoky Valley region of north central Kansas, the community of Lindsborg was settled in 1869. The Swedish immigrants who moved there were all followers of the Lutheran faith, which they could not practice freely in their native land, and they also had a great love of music. In the early days many of them were farmers. Other Lindsborg founders were craftsmen, educators and musicians. The Swedish immigrants had a passion for all things cultural, and that attitude still exists today. A large number of artists and musicians still live in Lindsborg, a community of approximately 3,200. Even now, the city has a Swedish character.

Are there any ethnic characteristics in your community that you can trace to the area's beginnings?

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