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Explore the States 夏威夷
A man surfing in Hawaii

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衝浪被視為現代美國的流行文化,但實際上,幾世紀前,太平洋上的玻里尼西亞人早就開始發展此項運動。直到八世紀時,衝浪才被引進夏威夷。夏威夷境內的Petroglyphs (岩石畫)畫有早期的夏威夷人騎在浪頭上的圖樣。最先將衝浪述諸文字的是英國探險家庫克船長,他在穿越太平洋的旅程記錄內曾提過衝浪這項活動。即使是早期的夏威夷國王及皇后也曾參與過這項運動。美國作家馬克吐溫傑克倫敦都曾嚐試過衝浪,而生於夏威夷的卡哈那莫庫公爵(Duke Kahanamoku)則是1912年的奧林匹克游泳金牌得主。他最為人所知的一點是,20世紀的衝浪風潮是由他帶起的。

Did you know that in Hawaii's early days, when it was ruled by royalty, even kings and queens surfed?

Surfing is considered part of modern American pop culture, but the sport actually developed centuries ago in Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean. It was later brought to Hawaii in the eighth century. Petroglyphs (rock paintings) have been found in Hawaii that show early Hawaiians riding the waves. British explorer Captain James Cook made the first mention of surfing in print in his account of his journey through the Pacific Ocean. Even the early kings and queens of Hawaii participated in the sport. American writers Mark Twain and Jack London are known to have tried surfing. Duke Kahanamoku, who was born in Hawaii, was a gold medalist in swimming at the 1912 Olympic Games. He is commonly credited with the rise in popularity of surfing in the 20th century.

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