Holy Spirit。
of the Meat and Bread),在這項活動中,人們會將神父賜福過的牛肉及麵包(稱做Pensao)分發給現場的出席人士。接下來的活動則是博愛傳統及餵食窮人,人們會分發一碗湯或燉肉給現場的每一個人。星期六的夜晚,與會人士會裝飾宗教雕像來迎接星期日的彌撒。一位女士會被選出來扮演依莎貝爾女皇,而她及她的臣子則會沿街行進。彌撒結束時,神父會為這位聖靈女皇加冠。
Portuguese immigrants first came to Hawaii in the late 1800s to work in the sugar cane fields. They brought their culture with them, and since 1901, the Feast of the Holy Ghost has been celebrated in Hawaii. This feast originated centuries ago with the sixth Queen of Portugal, Isabel. It is a Catholic celebration that proclaims the faith of the Portuguese and their devotion to the Holy Ghost, the member of the Holy Trinity now referred to as the Holy Spirit.
For each of the seven Saturdays leading up to the feast, known as Domingas ("Saturday" in Portuguese), a different historical or religious figure is honored. The highlight of the entire event is a three-day festival that begins on the Friday night just before the Seventh Dominga, the "Blessing of the Meat and Bread," in which a portion of beef and bread -- the "Pensao" -- is blessed by a priest and distributed to each member present. Following the tradition of charity and feeding the poor, a bowl of soup or stew is served to everyone. On Saturday night, participants decorate religious statues in preparation for the Sunday Mass. A woman is chosen to represent Queen Isabel, and she and her court join a procession. At the end of the Mass, the priest crowns the Holy Ghost Queen.
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