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Explore the States 夏威夷
Photo of Young Taiko performer with other performers

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猜猜看,照片中這位可能得到甜油炸圈餅(Andagi)、燉豬腳(Ashitibichi)及日式炒麵(Yaki Soba)的年輕表演者太谷(Taiko)身在何處?

假如您回答日本,您的答案已經後接近了!為找尋更好的生活品質,許多日本人(125,000多人)自日本搬到夏威夷,他們與其他的亞洲移民常受僱工作於蔗糖園。直到現在,夏威夷島上仍留有明顯的日本文化,且會以沖繩節來歡慶。所以,如果你吃 andagi,你就是在吃炸甜甜圈、如果吃 ashitibichi,就是吃豬腳湯,而如果吃 yaki soba就是在吃伴有蔬菜及肉的炒麵。每年,您都可以在位於威基基(Waikiki)中央的Kapiolani公園,品嚐到這些美味的沖繩食品。

除了傳統的沖繩食品外,遊客也可以體驗各式各樣的傳統沖繩文化及藝術。慶祝活動包括了一場paranku遊行行列,paranku是一種可拿在手中的小鼓,名叫eisa的民俗表演中可看見它的蹤跡。其他的傳統沖繩樂器還包括了taiko ()sanshin (三線琴)koto (十三弦古箏)。您曾看過這些樂器嗎?另外還有一種名叫Obon的舞蹈表演,舞者是一大群的男性、女性及各年齡層的小孩。

Can you guess where this young Taiko performer might get some andagi, ashitibichi, and yaki soba?

If you guessed Japan, you're close! Many Japanese people (over 125,000) moved from Japan to Hawaii in search of a better life. They, along with other Asian immigrants, were often employed to work on sugar plantations. Today, there is a strong Japanese culture in Hawaii and it is celebrated with the Okinawan Festival. So, if you're eating andagi you're eating deep-fried doughnuts, if you're eating ashitibichi, you're eating pig's feet soup, and if you're eating yaki soba you're eating noodles stir-fried with vegetables and meat. These are all delicious Okinawan-style dishes that you can try at the festival held each year at Kapiolani Park in the middle of Waikiki.

Along with traditional Okinawan dishes, visitors can experience all kinds of traditional Okinawan culture and arts. The festival includes a parade with a paranku procession. A paranku is a small hand-held drum used in folk performing art called eisa. Other traditional Okinawan musical instruments include the taiko (drum), sanshin (lute) and the koto (zither). Have you ever seen any of these instruments? There is also the Obon, a dance performed by large groups of men, women and children of all ages.

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