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Explore the States 夏威夷
Photo of canoes with sails along shoreline
19955月歐胡島(Oahu)的谷蘭尼(Kualoa) 獨木舟聚會中的兩艘獨木舟"Mo'olele, Hawai'iloa" 及"Hokule'a"

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您搭過獨木舟嗎?您能想像搭乘獨木舟穿越海洋的情景嗎?18世紀的庫克船長(Captain James Cook)曾問道:「我們要如何管理這個由廣佈在太平洋各處的小島所組成的國家?」他對玻里尼西亞人特別感到疑惑。這些玻里尼西亞人是如何到達散佈在海洋各區的小島上的呢?也許答案就在這些夏威夷獨木舟內。


夏威夷獨木舟是由相思木炭(acacia koa)製成,但這種樹現在已極為罕見。過去的獨木舟是由大師級工匠負責製造,小至挑選木材,大至下水典禮,都由大師全權監製及參與,而捆綁或包紮木材時,則使用椰子或蔬菜纖維

Have you ever been in a canoe? Can you imagine traveling across the ocean in one? When Captain James Cook asked, "How shall we account for this nation having spread itself to so many detached islands so widely disjoined from each other in every quarter of the Pacific Ocean?" as early as the 18th century, he was wondering specifically about the Polynesian people. How did they get to so many islands spread so far apart? Perhaps the answer lies in the Hawaiian canoe.

Canoes served several purposes for early Hawaiians. Can you guess what some of them might be? Smaller canoes were used for traveling around the islands, while larger canoes were used for long-distance traveling or warfare. Fishing was also done from canoes. And, just like today, canoes were used for sports and recreation.

Hawaiian canoes were made of acacia koa, a tree that is now very scarce. Canoes were historically built by master craftsmen who oversaw all aspects of the process, from selecting the trees to getting the boat into the water. Lashing, or binding, of the pieces of wood was done with coconut or vegetable fiber.

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