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Black and white photo of children looking out an open door
「尋找父親」 (Looking for Daddy) ,拍攝者為阿納卡斯蒂亞的當地攝影師:詹森 (Dion Johnson)

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我們城市的希望:阿納卡斯蒂亞 (Anacostia) ,一個充滿靈性的地方


阿納卡斯蒂亞是波多馬克河的東部分支。而阿納卡斯蒂亞歷史特區位於華盛頓的東南部,它是哥倫比亞特區內最古老的郊區之一。阿納卡斯蒂亞一字也許取自「anaquasha-tanik」,意即村莊的交易中心,而這個字是源自於原本住在此處的美國原住民。過去,這個區域較為人所知的名字是Nacochtank,它是NecostanAnacostan印地安人的定居地;住在這兒的印地安人生活過的很好,他們依這條河內源源不絕的魚兒維生。1608年時,第一個造訪此處的歐洲探險家是約翰史密斯上尉 (Captain John Smith其與印地安公主 Pocahontas的故事而為人所知) ,這個地方因他的造訪而開啟,幾年後,歐洲人開始沿著阿納卡斯蒂亞河建立殖民地。

哥倫比亞特區所進行的當地傳統計畫被稱為「我們城市的希望:阿納卡斯蒂亞 (Anacostia) ,一個充滿靈性的地方」。這個計畫分為兩部分,它使用視覺藝術、音樂及研討會來慶祝阿納卡斯蒂亞即豐富,又深具歷史意義的遺產。計畫的第一部分是1998年的藝術家及攝影師展覽會,左側的照片即是詹森 (Dion Johnson) 的展覽作品,而第二部分則是19992月,於華府聯合車站舉辦的全國非裔美人歷史月,強調自由的精神本質與內地城市的關係。


You have probably heard of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. But have you ever heard of the Anacostia River?

The Anacostia is the eastern branch of the Potomac River. The Anacostia Historic District in southeast Washington is one of the oldest suburbs in the District of Columbia. The name Anacostia may have come from "anaquasha-tanik," which means village trading center, from the Native Americans who lived there. The area used to be known as Nacochtank, which was a settlement of Necostan or Anacostan Indians. The Indians lived well there, surviving on an almost endless supply of fish from the river. The first European explorer to visit this area was Captain John Smith (of Pocahontas fame) in 1608. His visit opened up the area to European settlement along the Anacostia River a few years later.

The Local Legacies project for the District of Columbia was called "Hope in Our City: Anacostia, a Place of Spirit." This two-part project used visual art, music, and seminars to celebrate the rich and historic heritage of Anacostia. The first part was an exhibition in 1998 of artists and photographers, such as Dion Johnson, whose work you see here. The second part, held at Washington's Union Station in February 1999, celebrated National African American History Month by focusing on the relationship between the spiritual roots of freedom and the inner city.

When visiting the sites of the nation's capital, don't forget to visit Anacostia.

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