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Explore the States 康乃狄克
A song sheet with the words to the song 'Yankee Doodle'

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康乃狄克的州歌,歌名叫做「洋基歌」(Yankee Doodle)這首流行歌的背後,擁有一段不平凡的歷史。這首歌的歌詞很明顯的,是1755年的法印戰爭時,由一位英國人所寫。原本是拿來取笑那些打扮拙劣、配備貧乏的新英格蘭士兵。然而,與英國對峙的獨立戰爭期間,美國人稍微改寫了歌詞內容,把它拿來取笑英國士兵。這首歌提升了士兵的士氣(唸做"more-al":用來指稱一個人的熱忱或情緒),而且是美國士兵的驕傲來源;對戰時,擁有良好士氣是很重要的,這樣,人民才不會變的沮喪,甚而放棄。任何能用來提升士氣的東西,都是個好計劃。

How did a song help the Colonial soldiers win the Revolutionary War?

Connecticut's state song is "Yankee Doodle." This popular song has an unusual history. The words were apparently written by an Englishman during the French and Indian War in 1755. Originally, the tune made fun of the poorly dressed and ill-equipped New England soldiers. During the Revolutionary War with England, however, Americans slightly rewrote the words to make fun of the British soldiers. The song boosted the soldiers' morale (pronounced "more-al"; it refers to a person's enthusiasm or mood) and was a source of pride for the American soldiers. Good morale is important during a war so that people don't get discouraged and give up. Anything that could be done to boost morale was a good idea.

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