

York Tribune)著名的新聞工作者何瑞斯格裡利(Horace
west, Young Man, go west)。1869年時,他派一名記者到西部的科羅拉多州寫一篇有關農場經營的故事。而這位名叫納森米克(Nathan
C. Meeker)的記者因為太喜愛這地區,因而決定留在當地並建立了一個以他的老闆為名的城鎮。能夠建立這座立基於互助、農業、灌溉及教育(尚且不論其他的特質)的成功社區得完全歸功於米克的眼光。
Fourth of July Celebration and the Spud Rodeo and Horseshow)。他們將其稱為spud馬術競技會是因為spuds(馬鈴薯的另一個名稱)是格裡利的一項重要農業品。幾年後,馬術競技會湧入越來越多的人,有名的牛仔則開始與當地的王牌牛仔較勁。現今的馬術競技會一連舉辦兩個星期,而人們則將其稱為格裡利獨立競技會(Greeley
Independence Stampede)。
Many American cities have rodeos but Greeley, Colorado, has the "Worlds' Largest Fourth of July Rodeo." The city was named after Horace Greeley, a well-known newspaperman for the New York Tribune. One of his famous sayings was "Go west, Young Man, go west." In 1869, he sent one of his reporters west to Colorado to write a story about farming. The reporter, Nathan C. Meeker, liked the area so much he stayed and started a town named after his boss. It was Meeker's vision that helped establish a successful community based on, among other qualities, cooperation, agriculture, irrigation, and education.
Every year the people of Greeley celebrate Independence Day with a rodeo. In the early days, the rodeo was a small local event, but it grew more and more popular. In 1922, more than 10,000 people came to the rodeo, and the town officially named the event the "Greeley Fourth of July Celebration and the Spud Rodeo and Horseshow." They called it the spud rodeo because spuds (another name for potatoes) are an important crop grown around Greeley. A few years later, even more people came to the rodeo, when famous cowboys started competing with the local ranch hands. Today, the rodeo lasts for two weeks and is called the Greeley Independence Stampede.
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