Yes You Can)賽跑。
Just like the story about the little train that could, if you think you can, you can. If you can walk, run or wheel, you can take part in the "Oh Yes You Can" race in Boulder, Colorado.
Every year on Memorial Day, Boulder, Colorado, hosts the Bolder Boulder 10K road race. This race is open to everyone and includes a wheelchair race and a walkers' race. It also includes Marine Corps units who march to honor fallen American soldiers. This is the fourth largest road race in the world and the one of the largest tributes to American veterans in the U.S. on Memorial Day.
Because the race is so big, organizers needed to figure out a way to include everyone and still have an official race. So they came up with the idea of the "wave." Runners are placed in "waves," groups of up to 900 people, with staggered start times. Faster runners are put in the first waves and slower ones are placed in the following waves. A new wave is started every one to two minutes, and the start and finish times for the runners in each race are recorded. This way everyone gets to race without the slower runners getting in the way of faster ones. Have you ever been in a race that had "waves"?

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