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Photo of two children dancing
正在跳兩步舞的Bear Soto (Comanche卡曼其族印地安人)Larissa No-Braid (Arikara阿里卡拉人/Oglala沃格拉拉族印地安人),丹佛,19992


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世上有許多不同型式的祈禱舞蹈。在種族共舞(InterTribal dancing)時刻,來自於不同部落、不同年齡層的人會一起跳舞。雖然這是一場群舞,但每位舞者都隨著鼓聲,個別舞出各自的舞步,希望藉此表達他或她自己的感受並創造出獨特的舞蹈類型。

其他的舞蹈項目還包括了男性的傳統舞蹈。這是最古老的印地安舞蹈,而且歷史上只允許戰士圍成一圈來表演此一舞蹈。這是一種述說故事的舞蹈表演,跳舞時,各個舞者會演出他們作戰或狩獵時所做的事。而在女性的叮噹服裝舞(Women's Jingle Dress Dance)中,女性會穿上掛有鈴鐺的服裝並在病患身旁側步跳舞,希望能治癒這位病患。

Every year American Indians have a powwow in Denver, Colorado, that attracts people from all 50 states and 14 countries. A powwow is a social gathering of Indian peoples to honor their heritage that has been passed down through generations. More than 80 Indian tribes come to the Denver March Powwow to celebrate their history and culture through arts and crafts, storytelling, music and dance.

There are many different types of powwow dances. During InterTribal dancing, everyone from all the different tribes and all age groups dance together. Even though they are dancing as a group, each dancer moves independently to the beat of the drum - expressing his or her own feelings and creating a unique style.

Other dances include the Men's Traditional Dance. This is the oldest form of Indian dancing, and historically only the warriors were allowed to dance in a circle. This dance is a form of storytelling in which the men act out things they have done in battles or on a hunt. In the Women's Jingle Dress Dance, women wear dresses with "jingles" on them and dance in a sort of side-step around a sick person in order to help cure him.

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