S. Little)的100歲生日。原本的返鄉節是訂在力透1929年5月12日的生日,但當有人指出鐵路票會在八月降價,而自遠方歸家的人們就不需花費太多的錢在交通上時,他們就決定將日期改到八月,也就是現今節慶的舉辦月。
Whether or not the clown in the picture lives in Littleton, Colorado, or is just visiting, he will always be welcome there. That's because if you have ever lived in or visited Littleton you are invited every year to come back for a "homecoming."
The people of Littleton like their community so much they have a big party each year that they call Western Welcome Week. About 1,200 volunteers help organize a circus, parade, fireworks, and more for families and the community to enjoy during this 10-day event.
Houstoun Waring, the longtime editor of the Littleton Independent, founded Western Welcome Week in 1929 as a way to promote the city. His idea was to celebrate the 100th birthday of city founder Richard S. Little with a "Homecoming." Originally Homecoming was set for May 12, 1929, Little's
birthday, but when it was pointed out that railroad rates dropped in August
and people could come from far away for less money, they changed the date to
August, which is when the event is held today.

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