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Explore the States 科羅拉多

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(Civic Center Park)

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五月節(Cinco de Mayo)

1700年代早期,西班牙宣稱擁有現今的科羅拉多州一區,但到了最後,該地則多由法國控管。後來到了1803年,科羅拉多州的東半部成為路易西安那收購案(Louisiana Purchase:美國及法國之間的一筆土地交易)中的一部分,而剩餘的土地則交由西班牙人管理。之後,直到1848年前,它為墨西哥的領地。

科羅拉多州的丹佛市及其他許許多多的城市內,西班牙人及墨西哥後裔會以說故事表演、遊行、食物、薩爾薩舞曲(salsa)及墨西哥街頭音樂來歡慶五月節。Cinco de Mayo即西班牙文的五月五日。墨西哥農民曾在1862年的55日,於墨西哥境內的普埃布拉(La Puebla)擊敗法國入侵者。許多人誤以為Cinco de Mayo是墨西哥的獨立紀念日,但實際上,墨西哥是在1810916日獨立的,而1862年比1810年足足早了50年有餘。

這場在丹佛舉行的西班牙慶典始於1987年,剛開始它只是一場小型的鄰里聚會。但到了1996年時,這場週末活動已經成為盛大的慶祝活動,吸引了50萬名遊客前來參加,而它的舉辦地點也遷移到現在位於丹佛市市民中央公園(Denver's Civic Center Park)的新家。您所居住的城市會舉辦五月節嗎?下次如果有機會,記得要參加並協助進行慶祝活動!

Did you know that Colorado used to be owned by Spain? In the early 1700s the area that is now Colorado was claimed by Spain, and eventually France controlled most of it. Later, in 1803, the Eastern part of Colorado became part of the Louisiana Purchase (a deal between France and the U.S.), with the rest remaining in Spanish, and later, Mexican, control until 1848.

In Denver, Colorado, and many other cities, people of Hispanic and Mexican descent have a Cinco de Mayo festival with storytelling, parades, food, and dancing to the beat of salsa and mariachi music. Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for the Fifth of May. On this day in 1862 Mexican peasants won a battle against French invaders in La Puebla, Mexico. Many people mistake Cinco de Mayo for Mexican Independence Day, but that happened on September 16, 1810 -- more than 50 years earlier.

This Hispanic celebration began in Denver in 1987 as a small neighborhood street festival. By 1996 the weekend event had become so large -- attracting a half-million festival-goers -- that it moved to its new home in Denver's Civic Center Park. Does your city have a Cinco de Mayo celebration? The next time you have the opportunity, go and help celebrate!

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