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站在一旁等待,準備上台表演墨西哥民俗舞蹈的冠塔 (
Kathy Cota)舞者, 19918


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聖塔巴巴拉市 (Santa Barbara)的舊西班牙日


您曾參加過貨真價實的節慶嗎?聖塔巴巴拉市會於每年八月的舊西班牙日慶典中歡慶它的墨西哥根源。這項社區慶祝活動始於1924年,慶祝聖塔巴巴拉市歷史中的場時期(Rancho Period ,1830-1865) 這段時期內的聖塔巴巴拉市受墨西哥(1822-1848)及美國(1848+)統治。在那時候,聖塔巴巴拉市也是一個深受西班牙、墨西哥及在地Chumash印地安文化影響的遙遠鄉村地區。

Rancho意指牛牧場,而這些牛牧場則是由墨西哥總督將加州境內大批土地分發給那些有影響力的人們。牧場主人也許會為他的牧場僱用多至100名的工人。而這些工人通常都是曾於天主教慈善機構內受訓過的Chumash印地安人。這些被稱為vaqueros的印地安工人通常跟著一個被稱做為mayordomo (唸做my-or-DOE-moe)的工頭一起工作,而其他人則分別為馬具工、製革工人及木匠。

在聖塔巴巴拉市所舉辦的舊西班牙日節慶上,當地居民會以音樂、舞蹈及備有傳統加州墨西哥食物的戶外市集來慶祝加州場時期傳統, 送花女童會分發數以百計的花朵,另外還有連續舉辦四天的牛仔競技活動。

Have you ever been to a real, authentic fiesta? Every year in August, the city of Santa Barbara celebrates its Mexican roots with the Old Spanish Days Fiesta. This community festival, first held in 1924, celebrates the Rancho Period (1830-1865) of Santa Barbara's history. This period spanned the time when Santa Barbara was under both Mexican (1822-1848) and American rule (1848+). At the time, Santa Barbara was a remote rural area under the influence of Spanish, Mexican, and local Chumash Indian cultures.

The name "rancho" refers to the cattle ranches (ranchos) that were established when the Mexican governor distributed large areas of California land to people of influence. The rancheros (ranch owners) might hire as many as 100 workers to work on the ranchos. Usually the workers were Chumash Indians who had been trained at the Catholic missions. The Indians worked as vaqueros, usually with a foreman called a mayordomo (pronounced my-or-DOE-moe). Others worked as harness makers, tanners and carpenters.

Santa Barbara celebrates the traditions of the California Rancho Period at the Old Spanish Days Fiesta with music and dancing, open-air marketplaces with traditional California-Mexican foods, flower girls who hand out hundreds of flowers, and four days of rodeo events.

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