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Photo of a pink car covered with small toys
一旁的禾斯 (Tyler Volz)正在仔細觀看皮爾森 (Kathleen Pearson)的「Love 23」粉紅車身上的玩具

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索拉諾 (Solano)大道巡迴

索拉諾大道的周圍是一個熙來攘往的街坊,街上充斥了店家及餐廳,而鎮上的年度慶祝活動是舊金山東灣地區 (San Francisco East Bay) 最大也最古老的免費街頭集市;每年九月的第二個星期日,索拉諾大道巡迴於連接奧爾班尼 (Albany) 及柏克萊 (Berkeley) 兩城市的林蔭大道上舉行。

在成為繁忙的購物區前,索拉諾大道是一個專為鐵路乘客提供服務的地方。1893年時,南太平洋鐵路 (Southern Pacific Railway)所設的火車連接了柏克萊的千橡 (Thousand Oaks)與奧克蘭 (Oakland)兩地,也因而開啟了兩地的通路;1903年,核心系統公司 (Key System)開始沿著索拉諾大道設置電車。

一開始的索拉諾大道巡迴只是奧爾班尼的退伍軍人紀念公園 (Veteran's Memorial Park)內,一個由獅子會 (Lion's Club)所主辦的戶外鬆餅早餐會。然後遊行開始成形,到後來這個巡迴於索拉諾大道上的遊行漸漸成為該社區的年度大事,而遊行的行列則包括了花車、馬匹、童子軍、森巴舞舞團、藝術車輛及其他項目。不久,兩邊的街道封鎖並隔出了一個內含遊戲站及服務台的街區派對,這個派對是由150多個組織及將近100種跨文化餐廳及食物攤販所共同主辦,他們提供附近鄰居、老朋友及家人一個享受夏日午後的有趣方法。

Solano Avenue is a bustling neighborhood of shops and restaurants. The town holds an annual celebration hosting the largest and oldest free street fair in the San Francisco East Bay area. The Solano Avenue Stroll takes place on the second Sunday in September every year on the tree-lined boulevard spanning two cities -- Albany and Berkeley.

Before Solano was a busy shopping district, it was a place that provided passenger service for the railway trains. In 1893, the Southern Pacific Railway brought trains in to connect Thousand Oaks in Berkeley with Oakland and the ferry depots. In 1903, the Key System ran trolley tracks the length of Solano Avenue.

The Solano Avenue Stroll starts with a pancake breakfast outdoors in Veteran's Memorial Park in Albany hosted by the Lion's Club. Then a parade, which has become a highlight of the year for the community, consisting of floats, horses, scouts, samba bands, art cars and more, marches from the top to the bottom of Solano Avenue. Later, with the street closed to traffic, a block party consisting of game and information booths hosted by more than 150 organizations and nearly 100 kinds of cross-cultural restaurants and food booths, provides neighbors, old friends, and families with a fun way to enjoy an afternoon in the sun.

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