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Photo of loggers sitting on a tree




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為了更加瞭解衝突雙方,洪堡郡 (Humboldt County)內的90位高中學生對伐木工、擁有小型土地的地主、木材公司的總裁、生物學家及環境保護運動者進行訪問;他們的計劃記載了伐木業的興盛及加州北部海岸的環保運動、這個衝突如何影響當地社區及木材及森林的可能未來。

木材業對加州北部海岸的經濟及自然生態影響深遠,所以對學生而言,這是一個值得進行研究的議題;他們取得了木材及伐木業的第一手資訊並瞭解聯邦政府管理國家森林的方式;另外他們也知道這些積極的環境保護運動是如何改變政府管理國家森林的方式,更知道了1999年時,引發海德沃特森林 (Headwaters Forest)保護的事情全貌。

Can you think of an issue in your community where people feel so strongly that they take sides and protest? In northern California, there is a big timber industry, and the people who work in that industry often conflict with the people who want to keep the trees from being cut down -- the environmentalists.

In order to learn about both sides of the conflict, 90 high school students from Humboldt County interviewed loggers, a small landowner, timber company executives, a biologist, and environmental activists. Their project documents the logging boom and the environmental movement of the California north coast, how this conflict affects the local community, and what the future holds for timber and forests.

The timber industry has had a great influence on the economy and ecology of the northern California coast, so this was a good project for these students to study. They learned firsthand about the timber and logging industry and how the federal government manages the national forests. They also learned how environmental activism changed the way national forests are managed and the events that led to the preservation of the Headwaters Forest in 1999.

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