1867 年6月8日
法蘭克洛伊萊特 (Frank
Lloyd Wright) 是20世紀中,最具獨創性的美國建築師之一。他的建築及構想深深地影響了今日的辦公大樓及居家設計、組織。萊特喜歡藉由觀察各種不同的文化來獲取靈感,進而發展出自己的獨特風格。1900年代的前幾十年,其他的美國建築師只會模仿歐式風格。萊特堅信好的設計必須能增加人們的自覺,讓他們更加尊敬身邊的環境及大自然。萊特曾設計過辦公大樓、住宅、街坊、公共建築物、教堂及博物館。他設計規劃了約800棟建築物,而由他負責興建的380棟建築物中,至今仍留有約280棟。即使世紀交替,他的「大草原風格」建築所帶來的影響仍顯見於現代居家設計。
Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the most original American architects of the 20th century. His buildings and ideas have affected the way offices and homes are designed and organized today. Wright's willingness to look to various cultures for inspiration allowed him to develop a unique style. During the early decades of the 1900s, other American architects were merely imitating European styles. Wright believed in the power that good design has to make people more aware and respectful of their surroundings and of nature. Wright designed office buildings, houses, neighborhoods, public buildings, churches, and museums. He designed about 800 buildings. Of the 380 that were built, about 280 are still standing. The influence of his "Prairie style" of architecture is in evidence in homes across the country.