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Meet Amazing Americans 作家藝術家 馬克吐溫 (Mark Twain)
Mark Twain House, Hannibal, Missouri
位於密穌裡州漢尼拔 (Hannibal, Missouri) 的馬克吐溫居處,一個非常類似哈克芬 (Huck Finn) 成長的城鎮

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馬克吐溫的哈克貝裡芬 (Huckleberry Finn)

吐溫使用口音及俚語賦予他的角色生命。頑童流浪記不同於大部分美國人所讀過的刊物。吐溫讓書中的角色使用對話,讓他們聽起來像真的人。他並未統一書中人物所使用的講話方式,因而每一個角色都擁有各自的獨特 嗓音。

「如果您沒有讀過湯姆歷險記,那麼您一定不認識我,但沒有關係。那本書是馬克吐溫先生寫的,而且吐溫先生只寫實話,絕大部分都是實話。書中有些情節可能誇張了點,但他寫的大部分都是真的. ...」。

您能看出這樣的敘述方式是如何的捕捉某人說話的樣子嗎?這種寫作型式對美國文學造成深遠的影響,因而現代作家將頑童流浪記視為一本經典小說,一本可以永久流傳的傑出的作品 。您曾唸過那本經典讀物?

Twain used accents and slang words to bring his characters to life. Huckleberry Finn was different from anything most Americans had ever read. Twain wrote dialogue for his characters that made them sound like real people. He didn't make all his characters sound the same; instead they each had a unique voice.

Here is how Chapter One of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn begins:
"You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. ..."

Can you see how this captures the way someone speaks? This style of writing greatly influenced American literature, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is now considered a classic novel, a work of excellence that is read long after it is written. Which classics have you read?

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