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Meet Amazing Americans 作家藝術家 馬克吐溫 (Mark Twain)
'An illustration Huckleberry Finn by Edward Windsor Kemble'
由肯布爾(Edward Windsor Kemble) 繪製的哈克貝裡芬(Huckleberry Finn) 插圖

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馬克吐溫的哈克貝裡芬 (Huckleberry Finn)

每一個世代,都有作家會開玩笑的表示要完成一本「偉大的美國小說」,但馬克吐溫真的做到了。1884年出版的頑童流浪記被大部分人視為吐溫 的傑出作品。故事隨著小說主角哈克芬巧遇並幫助一名脫逃奴隸吉姆展開,並一起在密西西比河逃亡的過程。小說內容對河流本身及住在河流兩旁的人有豐富、精彩的描述。另外,他也以幽默的口吻帶領讀者思索正義及道德 這兩個議題。這本書如此受歡迎的原因還有那些呢?

In every generation writers joke about writing the "great American novel." But Mark Twain really did. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, published in 1884, is considered by most to be Twain's masterpiece. The story follows Huck Finn as he helps Jim, a runaway slave, to escape along the Mississippi River. The novel is filled with rich descriptions of the river and the colorful people who lived along it. He also employed humor to involve his readers in issues of justice and morality. What else helped make this book so well loved?

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