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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 詹姆斯諾克斯波爾克 (James Knox Polk)
詹姆斯諾克斯波爾克 (James Knox Polk)

詹姆斯諾克斯波爾克 (James Knox Polk)

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生於: 1795年11月2日
死於: 1849年6月15日


波爾克幼年因多病無法正常到學校受教育,但卻能在二十二歲時順利以優異成績畢業於北卡羅萊納大學,他因為精彩的演說才能、被暱稱為「殘缺的拿破崙」(Napoleon of the Stump)。波爾克是個努力工作的領導者,在其總統任內成為歷史上最富生產力的領袖,他大幅拓展美國疆域、重建獨立的國庫體系,並完成許多其他的成就。


James Knox Polk was the 11th president of the United States and a protege (one whose career is helped by the influence of another) of Andrew Jackson, who was a good friend of the prosperous farming Polk family in Tennessee. Polk was too sick as a child to get formal schooling, yet managed to graduate at the top of his class from the University of North Carolina when he was 22. He was nicknamed "Napoleon of the Stump" for his excellent speaking skills. Polk was a very hard-working chief executive who proved to be one of the most productive presidents in history. He greatly expanded the U.S. territory and reestablished the independent treasury system, among many other accomplishments.

Upon election, he vowed to serve only one term, a promise he kept when he declined to run in 1848.


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詹姆斯諾克斯波爾克 (James Knox Polk)
"誰是波爾克 Polk?"
"從「威爾莫特但書」(Wilmot Proviso)到1850年的妥協方案(Compromise of 1850)"

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