生於: 1809年2月12日,肯塔基州哈汀郡 (Hardin
County, Kentucky)
死於: 1865年4月15日,在華盛頓特區內的福特劇院 (Ford's
Theatre) 遭人暗殺
以反對奴隸制度聞名的亞伯拉罕林肯 (Abraham
Lincoln) 是美國的第16屆總統,他帶領美國渡過內戰時期,而他的精湛口才也充份展露在許多的致詞場合。其中包括他最著名的一場演說,就是蓋茨堡演說。在華盛頓特區的林肯紀念碑上刻了他第二任就職演講中的一段話:「不對他人心懷惡意,對任何人都心存寬容。」
Known for his stand against slavery, Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. He led the country through the Civil War and his eloquence is evident in many speeches including his most famous one, the Gettysburg Address. His second inaugural address, which includes the phrase, "With malice toward none; with charity for all..." is inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.