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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 班傑明富蘭克林 (Benjamin Franklin)
《窮漢理查的曆書》(Poor Richard's Almanac)中談及人類解剖的一頁 A page about human anatomy in Poor Richard's Almanac
《窮漢理查的曆書》(Poor Richard's Almanac)中談及人類解剖的一頁 A page about human anatomy in Poor Richard's Almanac

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身為作家的班傑明富蘭克林 Benjamin Franklin, the Writer



窮漢理查被描繪為一個有些遲鈍、但很好笑的鄉下居民,崇尚努力工作與簡單生活,許多富蘭克林的名言都透過窮漢理查的角色說了出來,像是「欲速則不達」(haste makes waste)、「早睡早起使人健康、富有且聰明」(early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise)。


An almanac is a reference book for everyday life. It's filled with information like calendars and weather forecasts. Almanacs have been around for centuries and became especially widespread after printing was invented. Before the Internet, television, and radio, many people would buy an almanac every year so they could look up things like holidays and the moon cycles.

Franklin knew lots of things about lots of things, so in 1732 he decided to write his own almanac. He called it Poor Richard's Almanac. The "author" was Richard Saunders, but it was really Franklin using another pseudonym.

Poor Richard presented himself as a slightly dull, but often funny, country fellow who believed in hard work and simple living. Many of Franklin's most famous quotes are from Poor Richard's, such as "haste makes waste" and "early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Poor Richard's was an immediate success. Franklin published one each year for the next 26 years and sold almost 10,000 copies every year. But that wasn't all Franklin wrote.

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