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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 班傑明富蘭克林 (Benjamin Franklin)
《窮漢理查的曆書》(Poor Richard's Almanac)中的一頁 A page from Poor Richard's Almanac
《窮漢理查的曆書》(Poor Richard's Almanac)中的一頁 A page from Poor Richard's Almanac

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身為作家的班傑明富蘭克林 Benjamin Franklin, the Writer



富蘭克林最著名的筆名是理查桑德士(Richard Saunders),也就是《窮漢理查的曆書》(Poor Richard's Almanac)中的理查,您曾經使用過曆書嗎?

Silence Dogood was the name Franklin used to write the letters. In the 18th century many people wrote using pseudonyms (fake names used in writing). Franklin made up a whole character who went by the name Silence Dogood and wrote the letters as though he were she.

Dogood claimed to be a middle-aged widow with some funny and intelligent things to say. People suspected that Dogood was not who she said she was, but many were surprised to find out that young Franklin had written the letters.

Franklin's most famous pseudonym (pronounced SOO-Doe-Nim) was Richard Saunders, also known as Poor Richard of Poor Richard's Almanac. Have you ever used an almanac?

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