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Meet Amazing Americans 運動員與表演者 野牛比爾科迪 (Buffalo Bill Cody)

A screen shot from Thomas A. Edison, Inc.'s 'Bucking broncho.'

李馬汀(Lee Martin)跨下的野馬正急於把背上的人摔下來

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野牛比爾的西大荒演出中已經有印地安人了,所以他現在只欠缺西部牛仔!影片中的牛仔是李馬汀 (
Lee Martin) ,他胯下的野馬尚未馴服,正在猛烈反抗,想要將背上的人摔下來,當然啦,這只是一場精彩、刺激的表演;野牛比爾的秀也包括了許許多多的野生動物,如:水牛、麋、鹿、熊及北美麋;假如您必須騎乘其中一頭野生動物,您會選誰呢?

Buffalo Bill already had Indians in his Wild West show, so he had to have some cowboys! The cowboy in this film is Lee Martin. He's riding a bucking bronco--an unbroken range horse that tended to throw or buck its rider. This is just one of the exciting acts in the show. Buffalo Bill also had lots of wild animals in the show, including buffalo, elk, deer, bear, and moose. If you had to ride a wild animal, which one would you choose?
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VIDEO CREDIT: Dickson, W.K.L. producer. "Bucking broncho." Edison Manufacturing Co., 1894. Inventing Entertainment: The Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies, Library of Congress.