伊麗莎白凱迪斯坦頓 (Elizabeth
Cady Stanton) 是美國女權運動的先驅領袖之一。她也是一個極為優秀的作家及演說家;她跟蘇珊布朗威爾安東尼 (Susan
B. Anthony) 於1869年成立了全國婦女選舉權協會 (National
Woman Suffrage Association) 並並肩合作,一起為鞏固婦女投票權而努力。終其一生,伊麗莎白凱迪斯坦頓都身為女權的發言人,而她的女兒哈里奧特斯坦頓布萊奇 (Harriot
Stanton Blatch) 則繼續她母親的衣缽。
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the first leaders of the American woman's rights movement. An excellent writer and speaker, she and Susan B. Anthony formed the National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869 and worked together to secure women's right to vote. Throughout her life, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a spokesperson for the rights of women, and her daughter, Harriot Stanton Blatch, carried on her mother's work.