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Meet Amazing Americans  社會運動家與改革家 凱薩查維斯 (Cesar Chavez)  
Photo of farm workers during a strike in Delano, California

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這場始於1965年的罷工進行了五年之久,並引起全國性抵制購買加利福尼亞葡萄;這抵制得到全國的支持。1970年代中期時,也有另一場抵制葡萄的活動,其迫使種植者支援1975年的農業勞工關係法 (Agricultural Labor Relations Act) :一個農場工人集體協商議價的法令。在查維斯及韋爾塔的帶領下,UFWOC透過非暴力策略,如:抗議遊行、罷工及抵制,向葡萄種植者爭取較佳的工作環境。這些策略通常都很成功,而且都以農場工人及種植者簽立一份議價協定而告終。您曾否為了某樣您想要的東西,試著與他人協商過?您有協商成功了嗎?

The strike that started in 1965 lasted for five years and inspired a nationwide boycott of California grapes that was supported throughout the country. There was another grape boycott in the mid-'70s, which forced growers to support the 1975 Agricultural Labor Relations Act - a collective bargaining law for farm workers. Under the leadership of Chavez and Huerta, the UFWOC fought grape producers for better working conditions through nonviolent tactics such as protest marches, strikes, and boycotts. These tactics were usually successful and ended with the signing of bargaining agreements between the farm workers and the growers. Have you ever tried bargaining with someone for something you wanted? Were you successful?

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