生於: 1927年3月31日
死於: 1993年4月23日
凱薩查維斯 (Cesar
Chavez) 是一位墨西哥裔美國勞工運動者,也是聯合農場工人聯盟的領袖。二十世紀時,他是農場季節工人(migrant
farm workers:為找工作四處遷徙的人)的主要發聲人。他堅忍的領導能力讓全國人民注意到勞工的工作環境有多糟糕,最後,他們的工作環境終於因此而獲得改善。
Cesar Chavez was a Mexican American labor activist and leader of the United Farm Workers. During the 20th century he was a leading voice for migrant farm workers (people who move from place to place in order to find work). His tireless leadership focused national attention on these laborers' terrible working conditions, which eventually led to improvements.