西奧多‧H‧懷特(白修德) (THEODORE H. WHITE)

美國的觀念 The American Idea


    西奧多‧H‧懷特,中文名字白修德,(1915─1986)是他那一代人中最有造詣的作家之一。他是記者、散文家兼歷史學家,尤其擅長敘述故事。懷特生於波士頓,大蕭條時期在貧困中長大。他靠獎學金就讀 於哈佛學院,接著任《時代》週刊駐華記者。在創作了兩部小說後,他轉而以小說的形式描寫總統競選運動。懷特的《總統的產生──1960》獲普利茲獎,嗣後又寫了一系列關於1964年、1968年和1972年總統選舉的同名書。











    但最重要的是有關這一觀念的故事,該觀念使他們成為一個國家,它具有人們在 1776年做夢也難以想像的爆炸力。


The idea was there at the very beginning, well before Thomas Jefferson put it into wordsand the idea rang the call.

      Jefferson himself could not have imagined the reach of his call across the world in time to come when he wrote:

      "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

      But over the next two centuries the call would reach the potato patches of Ireland, the ghettoes of Europe, the paddyfields of China, stirring farmers to leave their lands and townsmen their trades and thus unsettling all traditional civilizations.

      It is the call from Thomas Jefferson, embodied in the great statue that looks down the Narrows of New York Harbor, and in the immigrants who answered the call, that we now celebrate.

      Some of the first European Americans had come to the new continent to worship God in their own way, others to seek their fortunes. But over a century-and-a-half, the new world changed those Europeans, above all the English- men who had come to North America. Neither King nor Court nor church could stretch over the ocean to the wild continent. To survive, the first emigrants had to learn to govern themselves. But the freedom of the wilderness whetted their appetites for more freedoms. By the time Jefferson drafted his call, men were in the field fighting for those new-learned freedoms, killing and being killed by English soldiers, the best-trained troops in the world, supplied by the world's greatest navy. Only something worth dying for could unite American volunteers and keep them in the field- a stated cause, a flag, a nation they could call their own .

      When, on the Fourth of July, 1776, the colonial leaders who had been meeting as a Continental Congress in Philadelphia voted to approve Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, it was not puffed-up rhetoric for them to pledge to each other "our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." Unless their new "United States of America" won the war, the Congressmen -would be judged traitors as relentlessly as would the irregulars-under-arms in the field. And all knew what English law allowed in the case of a traitor. The victim could be partly strangled; drawn, or disemboweled, while still alive, his entrails then burned and his body quartered.

      The new Americans were tough men fighting for a very tough idea. How they won their battles is a story for the schoolbooks, studied by scholars, wrapped in myths by historians and poets.

      But what is most important is the story of the idea that made them into a nation, the idea that had an explosive power undreamed of in 1776.

      All other nations had come into being among people whose families had lived for time out of mind on the same land where they were horn. Englishmen are English, Frenchmen are French, Chinese are Chinese, while their governments come and go; their national states can be torn apart and remade without losing their nationhood. But Americans are a nation born of an idea; not the place, but the idea, created the United States Government.