海‧札雷特、盧‧辛格 它就會是個極好的世界
如果每個兒童每天能喝上鮮奶; 如果每個工人有充裕的時間娛樂; 如果每個無家可歸者住進舒適的房間, 這世界就會是個極好的世界。
(合唱) 如果我們能互相對待, 似鄰居、朋友或兄弟, 這世界就會是個極好、極好的世界。 它就會是個極好的世界。 如果沒有窮人而富人皆心滿意足;
如果陌生人走到哪裏都受到款待; 如果我們人人懂得什麼是兄弟間的真誠友愛, 這世界就會是個極好的世界!
If each little kid could have fresh milk each day; If each working man had enough time for play If each homeless soul had a good place to stay It could be a wonderful world.
CHORUS: If we could consider each other A neighbor, a friend, or a brother It could be a wonderful, wonderful world It could be a wonderful world.
If there were no poor and the rich were content; If strangers were welcome wherever they went; If each of us knew what true brotherhood meant It would be a wonderful world!