對威爾遜總統的抗議 Protest to President Wilson
你給美國白人以「新自由」,而給非裔美國同胞以「新奴隸制」嗎? 天理不容! 1912年,威爾遜競選總統時,許下「新自由」的諾言。作為總統候選人,威爾遜寫信給一位黑人領袖,許諾說,如果當選總統,「黑人…保證將得到絕對公平的待遇。」然而,威爾遜當選不久,其政府在財政部和郵政部實行種族隔離。 發展中的全國有色人種協進會向威爾遜送交了一份抗議,但毫無效果。一年後,1914年11月l 2日,總統會見由威廉‧門羅‧特羅特(1872一l934)帶領的一個非裔美國人代表團。特羅特是波士頓一黑人報紙的編輯,他作了底下的這篇演說。威爾遜對此惱羞成怒,對該代表團說,除非他們更換領導,否則再不會與他們會面。 特羅特生於俄亥俄的一個中產階級家庭,但在波士頓舒適的郊區長大。他上過哈佛大學,並在一年級作為第一個黑人學生被選進全美優秀學生聯誼會。短時經商後,特羅特創辦了《波士頓工報》,為種族平等而頑強戰鬥。他針對威爾遜的這一演講,重印於這家美國黑人報刊。 一年前,我們呈交了由三十八州非裔美國人簽署的全民請願,抗議在你的政府部門,財政部和郵政部裏,對全部帶有或部分帶有非洲血統的僱員實行種族隔離。我們曾向你呼籲,要求你履行總統職責,實踐你當選前的諾言,結束這種種族隔離。我們曾宣佈,在種族隔離制度下,尤其是在政府僱員中只對眾多種族中的一個種族實行種族隔離,是絕對談不上有什麼自由,談不上尊重他人,談不上公民平等。如此隔離僱員意味著政府指控人們身體不潔,或患有傳染病,或意味著指控人們是低等動物,願意聽從另一部分公民的偏見,願意接受自身的劣等地位。我們抗議在工作場所、在餐桌、在更衣室、在洗手間、在衣帽間、尤其是在政府建築公共衛生間的種族隔離做法。我們曾宣佈,這種種族隔離是公眾的恥辱和墮落,完全欠妥,並將產生深遠的不良影響。這對於每個忠於國家的公民來說,是個無理的打擊;對於資助你登上我們共同國家的總統位置的許許多多的人來說,也是個無理的打擊。 當時你曾宣佈,你會親自調查有關情況。可現在,一年過後,我們又找上門來,原因是我們發現,對非洲血統的政府僱員實行種種種族隔離不僅存在於財政部和郵政部,而且在某種程度上已經蔓延到其他政府部門。 在財政部的刻印局,不僅更衣室有種族隔離,而且辦公地點也有。非裔美國僱員吃飯時被人趕到隔離餐桌去,要方便時被人趕到隔離洗手間去。在海軍部,他們也被趕到隔離的餐桌和隔離的洗手間去。在郵政部,非裔美國婦女在工作中被隔離到第八層的凹壁裏,非裔美國男僱員則被趕到第七層的隔離房間去,甚至連進入同一層白人職員的鄰室也不允許。被隔離在第六層的非裔美國男僱員,其隔離洗手間卻在第八層。在財政部總部大樓,非裔美國男僱員的洗手間被隔離在地下室。在內政部,也有隔離的洗手間,我們的第一次申訴還特別對你提到這點。在國務院及其它部門也有隔離的洗手間。在海軍醫院大樓,儘管那裏只有一個非裔美國職員,也同樣設有隔離洗手間。在軍事部有隔離的洗手間。在財政部大樓有隔離的洗手間。在政府印刷辦裝訂科的五樓,非裔美國婦女被趕到隔離的工作場所和隔離的洗手間。自從我們向你申訴以來,這個科的頭頭又規定了新的隔離手段。洗手間的這種種族隔離是最墮落,最大的污辱。非裔美國僱員在他們工作的樓層裏,若使用公共洗手間就要受警告;上司警告他們不得無禮取鬧。 經代表團全體投票通過,我們前來,將這種種族隔離毫無疑問仍在繼續的情況,一五一十地擺在你面前,並再次抗議,要求你在政府行政部門,取消對非裔美國僱員的種族隔離。 美國黑人公民驚恐不安,派我們前來,因為我們相信,你不可能置自己的諾言於不顧。他們意識到,假如在國家首都的政府部門裏,他們可以遭隔離,受恥辱,那麼,使南部生命財產受威脅的那種誣告和迫害就要開始蔓延,他們公民權的整個基礎結構也就動搖了。 在去年的全民反隔離請願中,他們已讓你明白他們的反對意見,今年在投票箱前,他們再次以投票方式表示抗議。對民主黨人,除了那些直言不諱地反對種族隔離外,他們一概投反對票。在東部各州,唯一當選州長的民主黨人是麻塞諸塞州州長沃爾什,因為他曾寫信給你,呼籲停止種族隔離。就是以這種方式,非裔美國人表示了對種族隔離的深惡痛絕。 事實上,我們有些家庭二代人一直冒著所有風險來促進民主黨。在你競選總統時,民主黨的復興仍是問題重重的,我們種族的選票舉足輕重,儘管內部有分歧,但仍然與民主黨合作。可如今他們怨聲載道,這一支援運動很可能要破產。 僅僅兩年前,你或許被捧為林肯第二,可現在支援你的非裔美國人領袖成了他們種族的叛徒,背情棄義的領袖,遭受圍攻。種族隔離導致了多大的變化啊! 你說過:「你的黑人同胞在美國可依靠你實現增進他們種族利益的所有願望。」面對仍在持續的種族隔離,請你想想你的諾言!同胞情與公民權意味著融合,而種族隔離摧毀了同胞情誼與公民權利。在國家首都的街道上,任何一個過路人,不管是黑人還是白人,都可以進入政府大樓,使用公共洗手間,而為政府工作的黑人公民卻不行,請想想看這成何體統! 作為平等的公民,有鑒於你公開的許諾,我們有權在你手中享有在政府工作中不受歧視的自由,不受限制的自由,不受非難的自由,不受污辱的自由。你給美國白人以「新自由」,而給非裔美國同胞以「新奴隸制」嗎? 天理不容! 我們受委託要求你頒佈一項行政命令,反對在政府僱員中因種族、膚色的不同而實行任何及所有形式的種族隔離,我們受委託問你是否願意這麼做。我們等待著你的答覆,這樣我們就可以將你的答覆轉達給正在等待中的非洲血統的美國公民。 One year ago we presented a national petition, signed by Afro-Americans in thirty-eight states, protesting against the segregation of employes of the National government whose ancestry could be traced in whole or in part to Africa, as instituted under your administration in the treasury and postoffice departments. We then appealed to you to undo this race segregation in accord with your duty as president and with your pre-election pledges. We stated that there could be no freedom, no respect from others, and no equality of citizenship under segregation for races, especially when applied to but one of many racial elements in the government employ. For such placement of employes means a charge by the government of physical indecency or infection, or of being a lower order of beings, or a subjection to the prejudices of other citizens, which constitutes inferiority of status. We protested such segregation as to working conditions, eating tables, dressing rooms, rest rooms, lockers and especially public toilets in government buildings. We stated that such segregation was a public humiliation and degradation. entirely unmerited and far-reaching in its injurious effects, a gratuitous blow against ever loyal citizens and against those many of whom aided and supported your elevation to the presidency of our common county. At that time you stated you would investigate conditions for yourself. Now, after the lapse of a year, we have come back having found that all the forms of segregation of government employes of African extraction are still practiced in the treasury and postoffice department buildings, and to a certain extent have spread into other government buildings. Under the treasury department, in the bureau of engraving and printing there is segregation not only in dressing rooms, but in working positions, Afro-American employes being herded at separate tables, in eating, and in toilets. In the navy department there is herding at desks and separation in lavatories. In the postoffice department there is separation in work for Afro-American women in the alcove on the eighth floor, of Afro-American men in rooms on the seventh floor, with forbidding even of en trance into an adjoining room occupied by white clerks on the seventh floor, and of Afro American men in separate rooms just instituted on the sixth floor, with separate lavatories for Afro-American men on the eighth floor; in the main treasury building in separate lavatories in the basement; in the interior department separate lavatories, which were specifically pointed out to you at our first hearing; in the state and other departments separate lavatories; in marine hospital service building in separate lavatories, though there is but one Afro-American clerk to use it; in the war department in separate lavatories: in the postoffice department building separate lavatories; in the sewing and bindery divisions of the government printing office on the fifth floor there is herding at working positions of Afro-American women and separation in lavatories, and new segregation instituted by the division chief since our first audience with you. This lavatory segregation is the most de grading, most insulting of all. Afro-American employes who use the regular public lavatories on the floors where they work are cautioned and are then warned by superior officers against in subordination. We have come by vote of this league to set before you this definite continuance of race segregation and to renew the protest and to ask you to abolish segregation of Afro-American employes in the executive department. Because we cannot believe you capable of any disregard of your pledges we have been sent by the alarmed American citizens of color. They realize that if they can be segregated and thus humiliated by the national government at the national capital the beginning is made for the spread of that persecution and prosecution which makes property and life itself insecure in the South, the foundation of the whole fabric of their citizenship is unsettled. They have made plain enough to you their opposition to segregation last year by a national anti-segregation petition, this year by a protest registered at the polls, voting against every Democratic candidate save those outspoken against segregation. The only Democrat elected governor in the eastern states, was Governor Walsh of Massachusetts, who appealed to you by letter to stop segregation. Thus have the Afro Americans shown how they detest segregation. In fact, so intense is their resentment that the movement to divide this solid race vote and make peace with the national Democracy, so suspiciously revived when you ran for the presidency, and which some of our families for two generations have been risking all to promote, bids fair to be undone. Only two years ago you were heralded as perhaps the second Lincoln, and now the Afro American leaders who supported you are bounded as false leaders and traitors to their race. What a change segregation has wrought! You said that your "Colored fellow citizens could depend upon you for everything which would assist in advancing the interests of their race in the United States." Consider this pledge in the face of the continued color segregation! Fellow citizenship means congregation. Segregation destroys fellowship and citizenship. Consider that any passerby on the streets of the national capital, whether he be black or white, can enter and use the public lavatories in government buildings while citizens of color who do the work of the government are excluded. As equal citizens and by virtue of your public promises we are entitled at your hands to freedom from discrimination, restriction, imputation and insult in government employ. Have you a "new freedom" for white Americans and a new slavery for your Afro-American fellow citizens? God forbid! We have been delegated to ask you to issue an executive order against any and all segregation of government employes because of race and color, and to ask whether you will do so. We await your reply, that we may give it to the waiting citizens of the United States of African extraction. |