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See, Hear and Sing 不尋常的樂器

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Thomas Mann 演奏 "Nancy's Fancy" in July, 1937

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打擊樂器 (Percussion Instruments)

即使是最基本的揚琴 (hammered dulcimer) 也擁有13條弦,演奏方式是利用小錘子敲擊樂器上方的弦。揚琴這個名字取自於拉丁字,意指「甜美的聲音」 (sweet sound) ;揚琴源自於洋琴 (cimbalom) ,而洋琴來自匈牙利,其上裝有48條弦,也是使用小錘子進行演奏;今日的鋼琴則是由揚琴及洋琴逐步發展而成;您曾經看過鋼琴內部嗎?當有人按下琴鍵時,控制桿會抬起一個錘子,然後錘子會敲擊琴弦並發出音調;您認為這是怎麼發生的?

The hammered dulcimer, in its simplest form, is an instrument with 13 strings, played by beating the strings with a small hammer. The name "dulcimer" comes from Latin and means "sweet sound." The hammered dulcimer developed from the cimbalom, an instrument from Hungary with 48 strings that is played with small hammers. The piano of today has evolved from both the cimbalom and the hammered dulcimer. Have you ever seen the inside of a piano? When someone presses a piano key, a lever raises a hammer that then strikes the string producing a musical note. How do you suppose this came about?
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出處: "Cimbalom, photograph." California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties, Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Mann, Thomas, performer; Cowell, Sidney Robertson, recorded. "Nancy's Fancy." July 1937. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties. Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell, Library of Congress.