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See, Hear and Sing 幽默感
Swim? Not a Bit, Stranger, but I Reckon if Ye'd Drap me down in the Middle of This Yhur River, I Reach Land ...

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厄尼斯艾迪生(Ernest H. Edison)與史蒂芬波特(Steve Porter)表演「阿肯色州旅行者, 1922

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某些喜劇劇目也成為經典著作。「鄉下土包子」 (country bumpkins) 與「城市騙子」 (city slickers) 見面的橋段就提供了不少的笑料,也成為一段經典的喜劇劇目。另外一個廣受民眾歡迎的著名喜劇性「阿肯色州旅行者」 (The Arkansas Traveler) 就是受到1852年一幅印刷圖片的啟發,這幅圖片描繪一個愛說俏皮話的小提琴手與一位世故的城市人相遇的情形。戲劇化型式的幽默短劇常會包括聲效及音樂。您能想到任何包含了聲效及音樂的現代喜劇劇目嗎?

Some comedy routines become classics. Meetings between "country bumpkins" and "city slickers" provided lots of material for jokes, and became a classic comedy routine. One popular sketch was called "The Arkansas Traveler." It was inspired by an 1852 print that showed a wisecracking, fiddle-player meeting a sophisticated city person. Dramatized, this kind of humorous sketch often included sound effects and music. Can you think of any modern comedy routines that include sound effects and music?
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CREDIT: "Swim? Not a Bit, Stranger, but I Reckon if Ye'd Drap me down in the Middle of This Yhur River, I Reach Land ..." 1887?. Cabinet of American Illustration, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Edison, Ernest H. and Porter, Steve, performers. "The Arkansas Traveler (Descriptive Scene)." Recorded 1922. The American Variety Stage: Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment, 1870-1920, Library of Congress.